bang candy

is this thing on?

Howdy, welcome to my new mouthpiece.  This ain’t your daddy’s Nashville.  Or maybe it is; that’d be cool.  Anyway, that’s not the point…what it is IS is an attempt at navigating my world view through a narrowish focus.  An attempt at defining my space in the context of space.  Thinking global and reacting local.  I’m an expat from the Middle West who discovered a magical hidden place in South America; and I wanna share my infatuation with you.  It’s a place informed by legends and ghosts of legends, and populated by modernists like corndawgs and deer ticks.  It tastes like handmade chocolate & marshmallows and beer, and smells like vinyl and leather.  It sounds like the past/future and feels like fall, all the time.  And, in my head, it’s always looked like Jon Langford paintings.  And it’s going to be the springboard for my ramblings: about art, america(ana), letters, fatherhood, nothingness, culture, flavor, somethingness, husbandhood, design, humanity…and music.  And there might be a video or two for you to watch at the end.  Y’all come back now.

Categories: bang candy, grimey's, jon langford, nashville, olive & sinclair | 3 Comments

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